A Picture of First baptist church in Waterville. This church was once greatly used of God. It played a role in starting Colby College which once was a College dedicated to training Baptist preachers for the ministry. Now an American Baptist Church.
Colby College was once a place where Baptist preachers where trained. Sadly today it is a liberal arts college. Full of drunkenness and worldliness.
Colby College a place of over 6000 souls.
Thomas College a school of just under 1000 souls.
The Universal Unitarian church in Waterville. Notice the rainbow flag on the front of the church. No Gospel message and the people are lead astray.
One of the two Catholic churches in Waterville. No Gospel message and leading people astray.
There is over 16,000 souls in Waterville and they have no Gospel. How shall they hear without a Preacher? Pray for us as we pray for God's timing and direction to bring this great city the Gospel.
So glad we share the same burden for Waterville. Its hard waiting, as I want to get busy NOW... but I want Gods timing and direction more than anything. Its hard when you think of how many slip into eternity EVERYDAY!
I love you and appreciate your heart and your burden.
Praying for you and the family my Brother! God will make it clear when it is time to go!
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